Resistance leads to suffering

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“This should not have happened to me”, “It’s not fair”, “I don’t deserve this”.

Our resistance to what happened is the cause of suffering.  If we can get to a place of acceptance, where we see what happened and we allow it to be, without judgement or a fight, we can have peace and move forward.

There is a great little audiobook I recommend if you want to explore this more.  It’s called “Resist Nothing” by Kim Eng, with Eckhart Tolle.

Is there something that happened that you have a grievance about that is weighing on your life and making you heavy and restricting joy?

Resist Nothing.


Good morning Larry

Pat Edwardson

Good morning to you Larry. Hope all is well. Thanks for the shout out. Good luck in your new race venue have a great year. See you soon

Wendy Irvine

I in the past decade, I experienced many life altering situations that changed my life path forever. The only way I was able to get through it, was to pull my sock’s up and face it. Resisting it ,wasn’t going to change anything. Instead of saying “Why me?” I said…”Why not me?”
Having this attitude, has helped my way of thinking and has made me a stronger person, emotionally and physically.

Kevin M.

There’s a great line from the Clint Eastwood movie Unforgiven where the villain begs for mercy, explaining “he doesn’t deserve this!”. Eastwood replies: “Deserve’s got nuthin to do with it.”

Renee Daconto

Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to listening to “Resist Nothing”. Sounds freeing!!

Patrick O'Toole

I’ve found a huge amount of genuine relief lately in the serenity prayer. Its something that I learned can be applied to all facets of life as a simple reminder to stop worrying about what we cannot (regardless of whether we ever could) change. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” It doesn’t matter if its fair or not if you can’t change the outcome! At that point, we can only live and learn. Great note to go into this weekend on!

Crystal Bonner

Thanks for the book recommendation!! I’m going to check it out.

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