A Rare and Valuable Skill

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In too many organizations the employees don’t trust the leaders and the relationship between the team and management is one of us vs them. 

Trust-based leadership is a rare and valuable skill.  It’s hard to measure, but in real life, it creates much value.

To develop trust you must first not violate it.  Hold the well-being of the entire team as a priority while accomplishing organizational goals.  Be open, friendly, fair, reliable, communicate, and have integrity.  When you make a mistake, admit it, apologize and fix it.  When you don’t know, don’t act like you do.  Ask for their input.

From the inner…the outer.

Will Bryan

Hi Larry,
Nice to be getting your thoughts and inspiring ideas again.
Best, Will


Hi Larry.
This is a fundamental attribute to a successful leader/team/organisation. Sadly, it is not the norm.

It is not about been the “buddy” of every employee. It is about holding yourself to the same, or higher, standard as we hold others.

The people in your team are not idiots. [If they are, then you are at fault for employing/keeping them.] They clearly see, and talk about, what you ARE doing. If you want to play the other game of thinking that you can “scam” your team and treat them like dirt: they will play that game too; and you, and the team, will lose. Think of it like self imploding.

We can each do better. Let us “go for it.”

Cheers, Phil.

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