We all will experience tragedy.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Many people say “this tragedy happened to me” when explaining their situation.

But is tragedy such a surprise?  Did you expect to get through this without a tragedy or two or six?

Learning is full of “tragedy”, especially if we are learning something great.  We’re going to fall down.  We are going to have “bad luck”.

We all die.  Some earlier and some later.  We love a lot of people and we will outlive some of them.  Don’t cry forever because they are gone, smile because they were here.

Light is not possible without the dark. 

It’s ok.


Rob Videon

Great message Larry! In the Bible there is a word that Jesus shares with his disciples that mirrors some of your message. It reads like this!

John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.

John Mitchell

Good morning Larry .Love what you do and say .Keep up the great mission John Mitchell.

Cindy Davis

Brings to mind a favorite quote by Benjamin Franklin: Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75. Really look forward to reading your thoughts each morning.

Patricia Villers

Thanks to Rob Videon for sharing that scripture from the Book of John.

Chris Jennings

Wow. That is a great quote. Thank you….Don’t cry forever because they are gone, smile because they were here.

Brian DiRisi

Larry, this is one of your better ones! Love it!

“Let everything happen –
beauty and terror.
Just keep going;
no feeling is final.

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