I was listening to a podcast recently where the founder of Lululemon was being interviewed. At the end he was asked if he had any advice for the listeners. He told a story.
When he turned 60 he asked his Dad, “Dad, what advice would you give a 60-year-old?” His Dad said he’d think on it and came back the next day to give his advice. Here’s what he said –
“Do it now. Do it right f+&^*ng now.”
Great advice.
I pack in as many fun, adventurous, and important activities into my life with a sense of urgency as I can without crossing any lines into craziness. My months and weeks are packed with excitement. I live fully because when it’s over I don’t want to wonder what I could have done with more time. The time is now.
Do it now. Right now.
Yes, but why did he have to think about it? ?
One of my favorite podcasts! Great episode. Thanks for sharing, Larry.
No time like the present.
This is great advice! More of my life is behind me than in front of me. Thanks for a great reminder.
How true! Do it Now!
“Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.” James 4:14
Larry – i had saved this post. I am coming up on the big 61 in a few days. Life is passing quickly, each week faster than the previous. It is a wake up post to spend time w/ my grandkids, kids and friends creating memories. Thanks for the reminder!