When it’s all over, (and it almost is), would this be a book worth reading?
Would it be a tale of overcoming adversity?
Of love?
Of commitment and honor and loyalty?
Would it be a triumph or a tragedy?
Would you be proud of it?
Will you be missed?
The sun came up today. Continue the story the way you really want it to be.
I am grateful for Mike Lane as well
SO grateful for Mike Lane!
Larry, All good questions and I feel I can say yes to all.
I love think Daily
I never put too much thought into my own story or its effect until circumstance led me to recount it openly.
I’m proud of where I stand today without a doubt. I’ve faced tragedy and I have even occasionally triumphed. I will go so far as to say I’ve even overcome odds once or twice, even when I didn’t believe in myself.
I will face tragedy again, but it is up to me if I triumph in the end. I have the tools to shape my fate, I just need to learn how to properly apply them to my life.
I don’t know that I’ll be missed, I can only hope I earn that privilege. I certainly try my best to be worth the sentiment, but only time will tell.
Hi Larry, I look forward to many more sunrises! Thank you for your unwavering friendship. 🙂
You couldn’t have tagged a better guy for this post. I’ve only shaken hands a couple times, but I know Mike Lane very well! Thanks for all your effort, kind intensity, and care.
related writings:
Ya know
When you’re not allowed to be you
You lose your zest
You lose your smile
Ya know
The artist within
Stays within
The canvas black
Your travels curtailed
No tickets sought
No tickets bought
Your energy implodes
To a dark hole in you
Your will resides
In an envelope
To be read
After your death
The heirs of which
Quickly read
The deaths of you
Along your life
An urn full
The flowers of you
Few were planted
Less were watered
The fruits of you
Never consumed
Left to rot
At your memorial
Your heirs contemplate
So few belongings
Of you
The trail you walked
Narrow and thin
So tight within
The seeds you sowed
Flung to your sterile earth
Plowed under by you
The regrets worn
ya down
ya know
The spice of life
Never cooked
The chefs were fired
Or murdered with knives
Of yours or others
In your passing
Candles lit
The flames of which
Not seen by many
And cast dim shadows
The sun will rise
Without you there
Will you go unnoticed?
What do you have to say today, except read the lessen and pray, read the lesson and pray
All you have to do is be what others say, or what you think they mean to say
A cast of characters you then become, fitting in with everyone
And then today you say
Who am I today?
Whom will I be tomorrow?
There are so many yesterday’s of this play
The director is worn out today
The stagehands are all hung over again this morn,
The lighting man is tired of flipping switches and pulling dimmer switches
The sound man nearly deaf
Too many hefty lines worn out his drum
Cut cut, action action, oh my God edit that out
Fire the screenwriter, the producer is dead, he’s lost his head
What will the obituary say?
Father of many,
Father to none
The last the body saw was the gun
Who will read the eulogy
So many understudies to choose from
Perhaps it should be the makeup artist
Create the perfect image in words
But after all is said and done, a shallow grave will suffice
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