At the beginning of your career, you trade time for money.
If you become successful your trade money for time.
Time is perishable. It’s going by and you can not save it.
Chose how you use it wisely.
Jeff Russell
4 years ago
To add to this: As time goes, it goes faster! Looking back at life, I can’t believe how much time has gone by and how fast it has gone. That is, until I think about all the things I have done. Somehow, that seems to slow down time for me. I’m thankful for you too Larry. I appreciate all the time and sacrifice you have given to all those in your life.
To add to this: As time goes, it goes faster! Looking back at life, I can’t believe how much time has gone by and how fast it has gone. That is, until I think about all the things I have done. Somehow, that seems to slow down time for me. I’m thankful for you too Larry. I appreciate all the time and sacrifice you have given to all those in your life.
I could not agree with this more!