Confident but Open

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you don’t understand paradox, then personal development advice can seem a little confusing at times.

A paradox is when one thing is true, and the opposite is also true.  It also may be a statement that contradicts itself.  Like work hard and do what it takes, but get enough sleep, to cite a very simple example.

Being confident in what you are doing and being open to learning may seem contradictory.  But let’s explain the nuance.  If you go into the world confident NOT that you know everything or that your beliefs are right, but confident that you can figure things out and are as able as anyone to succeed, it is a great predictor of your success.  But being overly confident that you know how to do it best is a weakness.  You must be open to learning from your mistakes and from others, rather than proving you were or are right. 

In what area are you not confident enough?  What area are you too confident?




Tom Matthews

(Incredible weather these past few days in CT – life is good!)
One of the best ways to learn is to hire the most talented people for your team – they will teach you and push you to be better. This may make you vulnerable and uncomfortable, but your confidence and performance will improve.

William Madelung

This is one of my favorites.

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