When we were kids we didn’t have any control or choice in what was going on. You are not responsible for your childhood.
Now you are an adult and you are responsible for your life. If you don’t take full responsibility, you will have to accept what happens to you, like a child. But by accepting full responsibility, it is amazing what you can do and experience.
Are there areas of your life that you have abdicated to others, ignored, or neglected?
Book Recommendation for Larry:
Why the best are the Best by Kevin Eastman There are many golden nuggets in this book you can swipe and deploy for your many initiatives.
Be well,
I referred Bill Perry, a close friend of mine today Larry. I also forward your daily words of wisdom. He really enjoys them. He actually has applied to work here over 2 months ago. Great guy!
This one hits home for me. As you know, life wasn’t a box of chocolates for most of us as children. However, as growing adults we have the unique ability to control what happens next in our story most of the time. The fight gets a little tough at times, but there’s never been a time when I looked back and felt like I lost. Even if I didn’t finish first, I still learned.