Invest in your own education

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Why do we spend $20,000 – $50,000 a year to send our kids to college so they can learn stuff they probably will not use because they don’t know what they want to do and are not aware of what a career in that field is like or what it pays or if jobs are available (and learn things we do not want them to learn) YET, we balk at spending money or time to learn more about the field we are already in and how to advance in it and create more value?

An investment in you pays the most dividends and they are compounded over your years.

Mike Mitchell

I am grateful for a free society too. I hope that it continues. Investing in ones own education is one of the best ways to capitalize on the equality of opportunity in our country to achieve the results and outcome that they desire.

S. H.

“Today I am grateful for a free society – may we keep it.” Amen! We owe it to ourselves and the children to convey the opportunities afforded to, and responsibilities required of us all. Be, live, pursue your happiness, while being ‘nice’ (love thy neighbor), be aware, vote, pay your taxes, obey the law. It’s a great system and not difficult. Selfishness corrupts it.

Jane Miller

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.” Ronald Regan
He also warned us that “…freedom is no more than one generation from extinction.”

Matt Warner

We do it, unfortunately, as a result of social momentum and inertia. Many college degrees are becoming scarcely more valuable than a highschool diploma once was as a result and the college debt crisis is a massive issue facing my generation. Perhaps universities ought to be required to co-sign the loans they so freely issue. That shift in incentives might re-orient the purpose of the university in the US.

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