Character Counts – "From the Invisible…"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When I was a teen, there was a kid one year older than me and my best friend, who had a hot car and a hot girlfriend.  We looked up to him.  He seemed to have it all together.  Today he lives in a shed.

What happened? 

He is dishonest.  I hired him once, then learned my lesson.  But I like him, and years later I hired him again.  I learned the lesson again.  He is friendly and talented, but he is lazy.  When you turn your back he slows down if he is working for you.  And, things go missing.  He tries to make up for it by doing you favors and being extra nice, but eventually you figure out that something is not right; not consistent.

He was one of us, and got left behind and struggles to be more successful because of bridges burned due to his character.  

From the invisible, the visible.

From the inner, the outer.


Bob ligmanowski

I have a friend like this also..sad truth. I’ve known him since we were old enough to throw rocks at each other. (Our moms wouldn’t let us cross the street:) Worked for me too, hardly worked and wanted all the money. Every job he had, same thing. Now his kids are turning out like him. He “sued “ every company he worked for because he “hurt his back”. Never got any real money because by the time he gets it, he owed more than he got! Crazy…what makes the difference between them and us? I guess it’s above:)

Brian Lovell

I love this story. Such a great example of why we need to be the professional and the expert in business first and foremost!

David Hoh

I’ve known people similar to this example. It’s frustrating to see that potential squandered and the pain it causes to others. I try to my optimism about new team members in check and keep my eyes open. Character does count and it always reveals itself when responsibilities grow or times get tough.

Dan Gattuso

Go to the ant thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer or ruler provides her food in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.
King Solomen

Patricia Villers

True character shows when a person does the right thing even when no one is watching.

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