The Optimists Always Win

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In 1798 a really smart thoughtful respected guy, Thomas Malthus, concluded that the planet could not feed the growing population and that soon, humans would starve.  It was dire and freaked people out.  He was wrong.

When I was growing up, we worried about an inevitable nuclear war with Russia.  It would be the end of the world.  It never happened.

In the late 70″s really smart people started talking about “peak oil”, and that the world would run out by the 1990s or so.  It was a scary proposition.

In 2001 we talked about terrorism and how we couldn’t fight it because it wasn’t a country.  Smart people told about how it would spread unchecked across the world.

Al Gore and others began talking about how global warming would be the end of us all, and that time was short.  The planet would heat up, the oceans would rise, storms and droughts would overtake us all…by now.

Today we have a pandemic and riots…

Humans worry, because we are wired to pay attention to bad news to survive.  Pessimists like this, smart academics with credibility, have always been there to scare us with their theories.

But look around.  Pessimists never win.  They are always wrong.  The primary reason is that they ignore humans’ capability to solve problems and innovate.  The progress from the majority of the 7+ billion of us trying to make things better can not be stopped.

Optimists always win, and this age will not be the exception.



michael benrud

yes through mans intelligence we prevail overcoming the possible predicted world catastrophes but it all is in the hands of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.. our God ultimately determines when the end will be and also answers prayer.

Allen Nolt

Thank you Larry. Love this, just love this.


Congratulations for been the optimist by entering the Baja 500. All the best with the preparation.


YES, YES, Fantastic We Push on!


So true. Stay positive and keep looking ahead.

John LeVan

Amen…but a little dose of Potential Pessimism helps keep your budgets honest and employees/vendors paid on time! Make a plan and then Beat it!

Julie Marra

Yes!! Surround yourself with optimists.You can’t help but move in the right direction.

Wendy Irvine

I found this saying years ago and have kept it in my notes….
Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.

Willis Ponds

Larry, thank you so much for this! I had to share it on Facebook! This is how I think on a daily basis. Problems were meant to be solved and given enough thought most of them can be.


This is the 1st post that I had to share on Social. Excellent insight as usual.

Rick Havenridge

Right on Larry!
I was born to be a winner!


Just watched you in your movie In To The Dust and clicked the link to your think daily site. As a fellow dedicated dirtbiker I know I
will get much from following your lifestyle and motivational advice. Thxs!

Jesus Flores Q

Hi Larry…. so what is your opinion about global warming? Or how the Earth will look like if we continuous the way we are wasting energy and using not renewable fuels not to say the contamination of land and seas keep growing?

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