Automatic Thoughts – Weight and Duration

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We have automatic thought patterns that we developed because we gave them weight and repetition.  One day we said “Yes, this is who I am, and this is how things are and this is how I will be”.  We gave them weight.  

Then we think these thoughts over and over.  We repeated them so many times until they became a habit – our programming.

Your brain is the hardware.  It does not care what software you put in.  It can be used for good or for negative things.  It can support you or haunt you.  It has no preference.  We must control the software and if it needs an upgrade or to be reprogrammed, we must do it.

Most people program themselves the first time, and run on that program forever, and never change it.  It literally becomes who they are in the world and who they show up as day after day, over and over again.

Is that true in your life?  Have you reached the limits of what your mental conditioning has to offer you?  Do you want more or a better life?  Then you have to change your thoughts – those habitual defining thoughts that come up over and over again.  Those thoughts determine how you respond to the world and tell you what you should and should not do or try or be.

More tomorrow…

Cornelia Winter Reynolds

Love it! Keep it coming.

Mike Mitchell

Agree that this is instrumental in reaching one’s full potential. A few of my favorites along this line of development are:
1. Psychology of Winning
2. Psychology of Achievement
3. Lead the Field

David Starrett

Pain can change how do you think about things that pain could be emotional physical or other kinds. If you carry-on with bad habits it will eventually lead to pain and it will change you. If there’s one consistent thing it’s change. Change it for the better today

Bob Brown

Right On Larry!

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