Recurring thoughts

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Your brain is lazy.  It doesn’t want to do any new thinking because that takes energy.  We’re programmed to conserve calories because not long ago we didn’t know where the next ones would come from.

So your brain developed automatic recurring thought patterns that it keeps bringing up for you over and over.  Are those thoughts negative?  “People are attacking me, go hide, play small and keep your head down so we don’t get hurt or lose”.

What is your automatic inner voice saying?  It’s running the show – you know that right?

So how do we change that?

More tomorrow… 


Myrsini Papoutsis

We change it by writing a new script acting directing and producing a new movie in your brain that will allow you to change your habits from negative ones to positive ones.

Jeff Russell

Retrain your brain! It’s possible……….You just have to work at it.

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