Delegating what you don't understand

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Delegation is critical for leaders.  Those that try to do everything themselves are doomed to workaholism and getting stuck as a small business.

But there are key functions in a business – Marketing, Sales, Production, Service, Accounting, etc.  Leaders need to delegate these functions so they can grow. 

But here’s my observation:

Delegate what you don’t understand at your peril.  You see, if I delegate marketing or accounting or sales to a manager, and I don’t understand marketing or accounting or sales, I am putting a critical function of my business in the hands, skills, and judgment of someone else.  If they mess this up or just aren’t very good at it, I will never know it.  If I suspect it, I won’t know what to tell them to do about it.

Become an expert in the critical functions – so that you can then effectively delegate that which you understand.


Cory Hanneman

Passing off tasks without clear expectations of performance/deliverables (let alone without even an understanding) is abdication, not delegation

Jim Casey

“Trust, but verify”. Ronald Reagan

W. Mele Orendorf

Larry, very wise indeed, and I would add that you only delegate to those who have the skill sets to accomplish the task and not just to get it off your pervue.

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