Ripples across humanity

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The other day I was going into a diner and a woman was coming out and said “Hey I know you!  I get your messages every morning and I really love them.  I have a business and I have used all your ideas.”  

I didn’t know her, and maybe I’ll never see her again.  But it reminded me that it’s a small world, and what we put out there is floating around us, orbiting our lives.  Each day, sometimes directly and most times indirectly, it comes back to affect our lives with the same polarity as the intention we put it out with.

If it’s what you want, then be nice and help others be successful.


Mike Mitchell

Here’s to Mary, MidState Basement Systems and you!

Timothy Ferraro

And the effect multiplies, doesn’t it. I read your posts, listen to your recordings, listen to others and then share those with my staff, friends and kids. They get the benefit of hearing those ideas too.
Thanks for all you do to make the world better.

Scott Massey

Being a blessing is it’s own reward. Every now and then you see the fruit it bears.

Patricia Villers

It’s so true when we put positivity out into the universe it will come back to us. Maybe not immediately, but it comes back in a good way.

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