What would make you WANT to perform more and better?
5 years ago
Individuals need to be appreciated and valued to perform better. Money isn’t always the motivating factor. Going the extra mile might get you a promotion so it could also be a motivating factor to do your best on your job.
Kim Benthin
5 years ago
I WANT to be better when I know that my efforts are appreciated and that it is recognized when I am giving my all and on the flip side when I have an off day, it is cause for concern not reprimanding so much. So many times someone that does a good job is overlooked for that simple thank you, good work or good job. Simple appreciation goes a long way! GOOD MORNING LARRY!
Individuals need to be appreciated and valued to perform better. Money isn’t always the motivating factor. Going the extra mile might get you a promotion so it could also be a motivating factor to do your best on your job.
I WANT to be better when I know that my efforts are appreciated and that it is recognized when I am giving my all and on the flip side when I have an off day, it is cause for concern not reprimanding so much. So many times someone that does a good job is overlooked for that simple thank you, good work or good job. Simple appreciation goes a long way! GOOD MORNING LARRY!