Reflections of a 54 year old

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I turned 54 a few days ago. It’s not a “big birthday,” but I took time to reflect on my life, what I have learned, and how I feel.

1) Relationships are most important. In the end, that’s all we’ve got, and that’s all we really need. Love in all its dimensions is central.

2) Be kind. Make people feel good about themselves. If people feel good because of your presence, they will want to be around you. If not, they won’t.

3) I feel good about my health and physical fitness. You can be active and fit as you get older, but it takes work. If you embrace this work and learn to love it, it makes it easier. Get around other people who love it too – a community at the gym or good friends who are active. My mind and muscles are cooperating, but my knees and some tendons are protesting.

4) Pay attention to your body. When you notice something odd, get checked out early. I had a little skin cancer on my face four years ago. You have to find these things early. Don’t be a pessimist, but don’t ignore stuff either. Many times it’s nothing, but one time it’s something.

5) When you are young, you have health and energy, but not much experience, less money, and you may think you know much. Keep learning. Stay open. Hold your beliefs loosely so new ideas may get in. As you mature, you realize some of the things you professed to were not exactly true for everyone or for all times.

6) At my age, I feel I have much to give and much to do. The confluence of knowledge, experience, people I know and resources creates an abundant world for those who are inclined to be and give their best.  

7) Stay true to who you really are. More than ever, I know why I am here. It can take a long time and experiments to really figure it out. Going down the wrong path and feeling uncomfortable is part of understanding this.

8) I hope to be here a very long time and will do what I can to make it so. But if that is not in the cards, I know that I did my best and made the most of what I was given, and that’s ok too.


Rick Havenridge

An entire book on how to have a great life, on a single page.
Great stuff!
Thank You

Mike Mitchell

Happy Belated Birthday ?

Chuck Boulier

Hi Larry,
Happy Birthday! Great list! Add to 4, see your Primary Care Physician annually after age 50. I had Two serious medical conditions diagnosed at those checkups which were 100% cured with surgeries. There are some diseases that have no symptoms for people in good physical condition (like you).
Regards Chuck

Matthew Stewart

Happy belated birthday Larry. I too share your age and most of your reflections. Thanks for bing an inspiration to me and many others. You truly lead by example.

Michael S Lanzo

Larry, well stated. Many blessings . You’re a good man.

Jeff Lendroth

So very true Larry…
I’d call today’s Think Daily message, “A Great Pearl of Wisdom” for anyone at any age…
Happy belated birthday!

Robert LaBonne Jr

Very authentic Larry and from the heart. All the best on your next 54 years. Bob

Kim Benthin

Good morning Larry! That is a great reflection for this morning! Thanks for sharing your thoughts as usual.

Rick McFadden

Larry, I got to say I love your outlook on life. By the way I like that picture also! Lol

Michele Kingsley

Happy Belated Birthday Larry. I love all of those, #2 and #4 are my favorites. Thank you for sharing!!!

Laura Giammattei

Happy Birthday! I am 53 and everything you wrote was very accurate. It is nice to know that other people your age feel like they still have so much to give. One problem I have been dealing with since I entered my 50’s is age discrimination. I am not sure if this happens to men and woman but I can only speak for myself. I have worked my whole life in big jobs. Didn’t take time off to raise my daughter, she went straight to daycare and now I couldn’t get a marketing job if I paid someone. I’m too old….since everything is digital and I have been trained and know how to market using digital advertising, (besides having a 17 year old daughter keeping me up to speed.) I was literally told that I would have had to grow up in the digital world. So I no longer work in the industry I loved….I won’t even care if they paid me a lower salary. But they want 20 somethings straight out of college……I guess that is how I became the General Manager of the Palace Theatre at 26 and the Director of MK at the NH Coliseum at 29….I have expected that I just work now to make a living and no longer to strengthen my career. I would be curious to know your thoughts on this since we are basically the same age and you hire a lot of people. Are most of the people you hire in their 20’s? Would you hire me?

Brad Lips

happy birthday and thank for the wisdom, Larry!

Karen hettel

Thank you for sharing really loved everything I read and Happy belated Birthday Larry

Aunt Donna

Awesome! Your Dad would be proud.

Joe Rusk

Life is Precious.

Victor Balzer

Great reflection Larry!

David Bryan

Your thoughts are near and dear to me as I turned 54 today! Very good thoughts to live by. Thanks for the impact you have had on my life Larry

Mike Nicolai

Thanks for sharing these words – blessings!


Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed it. Great reflections! Thank you for sharing them with us.

John G Lupoli

I think everyone has pretty much summed it up.Happy birthday and many many more. God Bless you Larry!!!

Jason Martin

Great advice and wisdom. Thank you Larry for being a very important mentor in my life. Your words are precise and inspirational every time. I appreciate you. Thank you!

David Resnick

Happy birthday Larry and thats some solid advice!


These tournaments allow you to notice more pre-flop to help you enjoy only the great

Paul McManus

Awesome! Happy Bday!

Bob Ligmanowski

Happy Birthday Larry and David ! You both made Maryanne and myself turn a big corner in our life page. David…from sending us Larry’s book, and Larry for all you do for us with SOE 🙂
Everyone have a great Labor Day weekend !

David Rosolen

I just turned 54 myself. Great words, great advice! We are very fortunate.

elaine marcucio

NIce! Happy belated Birthday!

Barbara Rainey

Happy Birthday, Larry. You are a true inspiration. I value your advice, experience, and encouragement.

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