Ask it again….
What is most important now? Getting new leads (Marketing)? Selling? Production capacity/quality/consistency? Measuring results (Accounting)? People - training, recruiting, teamwork, engagement... Identify what the MOST important thing to do is - then get the RIGHT PEOPLE ("WHO not how") all over it until it's not the most important thing (obstacle,…
It takes as long as you make it take!
On one hand things take time. On another hand, they take as long as you make them take. I think that having a sense of urgency about taking the steps that will move you forward is necessary to do really well. Just eliminate the time and steps in between making…
It's been a great year here at Contractor Nation!
For those of you who don't know, my business is called Contractor Nation, and it is composed of 2300 employees and many business entities in 35 states. We have had a great year here. It was a year of growth and stability. We built another building on our campus and…
The leader sets the culture
"The level of morale is a good barometer of how each of your people is experiencing your leadership." - Danny Cox They say culture is what happens when the leader leaves the building. If you have a culture problem, it's the leader's fault. Who got hired. Who you put up…
Musings of a high school graduate.
I didn’t go to college. At one time I thought the word college had a “d” in it – “colledge”. (Sound it out!) Isn’t that funny! Today, after 42 years in business, I have 2,300 employees in 35 states. I teach leadership to thousands of leaders across the world, and have a…
Your life will never outperform the leader
Who is the leader of your life? Fortunately, you are a free person. (Over the course of human history, it wasn't always that way.) Obviously, you are the leader of your own life. The quality of your life is the quality of you. Your character, interests, delay of gratification or…
The loftier the goal, the deeper the foundation
Leadership excellence. The quality of your people. The level of commitment and engagement. Training. Standards and values. Communication channels. Skills and abilities. Great success takes time. The loftier the building, the deeper the foundation must be laid.
Greatness = Consistency on the Fundamentals
Answer the phone. Follow up. Be polite. Ask questions. Listen. Care. Do it right each time. Be clean. All the fancy innovation or technology won't help your organization if you don't get the basics right. Talk about it. Talk about listening and follow-up and caring and cleanliness. It doesn't happen…
Ego is the enemy
I borrowed the title for today's post from a book by the same name that I listened to. I know a businessperson who just didn't want to take advice. My feeling is that he wanted to "be his own man", and that taking advice would be a sign of weakness.…
Get the right people quickly
If you have been a subscriber for some time, you see me give advice regarding keeping your people, and that turnover kills you. Each time a person leaves and you have to hire a new one, that piece of your business is brand new. You also hear me say that…
Good morning from Detroit and a very Merry Christmas to you and you family Larry!
Great questions! Get these right and the organization can thrive.