Competition is the opposite of creativity

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Competition is the opposite of creativity.  If you are competing on their terms – how they do business – all of your focus is on doing that. You are working harder at a game that is already being played – instead of creating something new.

How can you change the game?  Change the field?  Shuffle it?  Redesign it?  Mix it?  

Can you change the game to one where you can be the top player in?


What Competition? Our customers say it all for us.
Most companies do not realize how important reviews are, or are they afraid of the feedback?

Mike Mitchell

Remember Captain Kirk in The Wrath of Khan and how he was the first winner of the Kobiyashi Maru (Spelling)? He won by changing the rules.

Cory Adolph

Good morning from Woods!


At any given moment we possess within us what is needed.

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