Mike Mitchell

Treat others as you wished to be treated by them. That is always a wise choice. I look forward your daily gems in the posts!

Casey Lonesk

There is a difference between taking advantage of people in business and sizing an opportunity to capitalize on a situation to increase profit. (profit is not a dirty word)


Today, the question: ‘What if they find out about me?’, caught my eye.

What if I was going to pay the price on my own? What if I wanted to pay for the office candy because it made me happy to see people come by my desk? What if I was well aware of the process or the repercussions but I still chose to stand up for myself and do what makes me happy? What if I do not like the training but I know the trainer is a fairly nice fellow but has to follow a set of guidelines? What if I am not ashamed of my hobbies or the way my body looks or my face without any makeup on? What if I love my friends regardless their status, sexual orientation, skin color, age, or annoying bad habits. What if I have a bad day and I am mean to others?

We all have bad days.

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