Be the change

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

How we dress tells the world how we value ourselves and what we expect. How we dress affects how we behave and talk, and that in turn affects how people respond to us.  

Dress for the person you want to be, not the person you are.


I have nothing against dressing in a respectful manner and I know first impressions matter a lot but, judging somone purely by the way they are dressed it is simmilar to selling roses and handing out tulips.

Why do we wear clothes? We wear clothes to stay warm and to cover our skin to protect it against harm. I am the same person regardless if I am in a beautiful night gown, a conservative business suit, jeans and a T-shirt, gym clothes, a bathing suit, or my birthday suit.

Clothes are expensive fashion items that will quickly drain your wallet. Do dress for the job you want to have but do not give clothing more value or meaning than they have. They are clothes.


Less is more. Simply life = Happy life.


I couple years ago I went through a faze where I gave possessions and clothing the role of “giving meaning” to my life. That faze ended in 2014 when I lost my home. Ever since than I am consciously trying to live a simple meaningful life and my bank account allows me to live jobless for the past 6 months and squizzing in traveling to Europe. Think before you spend.


Disclaimer: I am/was not collecting unemployment compensation. I choose to leave my job for my own reasons and I take full responsability for that choice.


Also, I do not have any credit card debt or owe money to any person or organization.


My secret, I live with my inlaws and made monetary arrangements with them. Life is not easy but the choice to make it easier is always ours.


Larry has some very good tips on how to make it work as an individual or as a business owner. I learned a lot from him while I was attending his two day live Think Daily Semminar as well as reading his daily emails.

Larry, thank you for inspiring us to strive to be better people and I hope you know that I was just kidding about the unfortunate event of smashing all those butterflies.


And thank you for creating thesoe, it is one of the most valuable business tools I ever used. It is the perfect tool for any struggling business owner who wants to create significant changes in their personal and business life.

Larry Janesky you are a wizard and we are fortunate that you like to share your secrets with the common people.


Where do you shop Larry!!

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