If you want to be in the top 5%, by definition, you have to turn away from what the bottom 95% do. That makes sense, right?
What you pay attention to, how you spend your time, what you value, and your habits – they will all buck popular trends and seem foreign and strange to the majority.
If you want to be like everyone else, do what they do. If you don’t, don’t.
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“Live like no-one else today, so tomorrow you may live like no-one else”
Humans mimic each other so keep that in mind when you look at someone else. Mimicking is mimicking regardless where you are on the scale or before you spend your hard earned money.
Trends, advertisements, magazines all know how to affect you psychologically. Everything around us is set up to push ourselves over the limits. Once in a while is unavoidable and even fun but keep in mind that a human body is like a machine. It needs fuels to run, cool down, and perform. Even machines need constant maintenance because nothing in this world is designed to run forever.
Head your limits and act according to your nature. Nature did not design you to run around like a maniac on several daily coffees, energy drinks, pills, and all sorts of other drugs and enhancers.
Respect your body and give it what it needs, sleep, exercise and nutritious food.