Think of an employee. Now that you know how they’ll really do, if you had to hire them over again, would you?
Okay then…
Bob Ligmanowski
8 years ago
Maryanne (My controller) passed this topic onto me after the last SOE class. I used that thought process on a production manager and got him out ! When he was gone, we found out he was stealing from us and many other things that I couldn’t believe someone would do ! ( talk about biting the hand that feeds you ) It amazes me what focus will tell you if you listen!
Maryanne (My controller) passed this topic onto me after the last SOE class. I used that thought process on a production manager and got him out ! When he was gone, we found out he was stealing from us and many other things that I couldn’t believe someone would do ! ( talk about biting the hand that feeds you ) It amazes me what focus will tell you if you listen!