Most people walk around feeling inferior. We think we are not as good as others. Remember that there will always be people who are better at things than you are. There are so many things in life to do and be, you can’t do tham all – but someone else is. That incredible singer with thousands of fans may not be able to operate a backhoe or understand how to file a tax return like you do.
Of course we are not the best at everything and of course there will be people who are better at things than us. This is good – it would be incredible stress for us to even try to be the best at everything. We can celebrate the talents and skills of each other, without feeling inferior.
Other people being better than us should not make us feel inferior, so long as we are doing our best in some area of life or service to others.
Love this!!! Thanks for posting.
Well said Larry. Fantastic!
God bless you and your business.
The best teams are composed of people with different skills. Meyers Briggs can be a valued tool to assess strengths of team members and utilize their particular skills to the max. We all can’t excel in everything. Recognizing this, and deferring to a team member who has those skills that you don’t, makes for success.
For those of us who tend to be hard on ourselves, or who get disappointed when we did not do it perfectly, or as good as the best, thank you! It is a great reminder to lift your spirits and to not fear falling short of lofty goals.
Reminded me of this scripture: “If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole body were hearing, where were the smelling? 1 Cor. 12:17
Everyone has unique abilities and insights. All we are required to do is our best each day and while we’re at it be a cheerleader for those around us.