Influence, Lesson 1

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Yoritomo Tashi wrote the title of first chapter of “Influence – How to Exert it” as – “By the increase and spread of psychic forces”.  When I first read the chapter title, I didn’t understand what it meant exactly.  I do now.

Here is a simple and clean example.  He talks about a person continually trying to get better.

Let’s think about that.  Would you follow and allow yourself to be influenced by someone who is NOT trying to get better?  When others know you are always trying to get better, they are more likely to be lead by you.  

Let’s look at the opposite.  If you are self-destructive, do stupid things, and use your time unwisely, would anyone follow you then?

He says “He will separate pride from vanity, perseverance from obstinacy, gentleness from weakness…”

In this chapter, he offers a few other nuggets.  “Success – the fulfillment of one or several desires, all converging toward one end.”  

“…the general aim of mankind – happiness”.

Wow.  So he is saying that our goals have an aim, and says that it is happiness in the end.  Not just for you but for others too.  And if our efforts work toward that aim we are likely to be able to influence others.  I mean if what we are doing will lead to more happiness for those we seek to influence, they are likely to come along.


Michael P Mitchell

Words of wisdom! I”m going to quote you on your last sentence.

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