Your life will never outperform the leader

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Who is the leader of your life?  Fortunately, you are a free person.  (Over the course of human history, it wasn’t always that way.) 

Obviously, you are the leader of your own life.

The quality of your life is the quality of you.

Your character, interests, delay of gratification or not, ambition, vision, self-discipline, courage, relationships you choose and choose to stay in – all of it.

Your life will be as good as you are.

How cool is that?

Kevin Monahan

Great idea for the barn, Larry. There’s a lesson in that, too: as things (marketplaces, tech, tastes) change, take a look at what you’ve got, modify it, add to it, or move pieces around to make what you have fit the new world. Horse pee excepted!

Mary Lawrence

For some reason I picture this as the most amazing “fun barn” ever seen. 🙂 Great idea–hope to see pictures!

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