Keep your goals in front of you

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

At the beginning of this year I wrote all my goals for the year down on one index card.  I have personal goals, business goals, family goals – all of them.

I have that index card on a little stand at my desk where I see it everyday. 

When I accomplish a goal, I color it with a yellow highlighter.

Do you have goals written down?  If so you are a small group – only 3% of Americans do.  Once written however, keep the goals in front of you every day.  Re-read them.  If you do you will find yourself acting on them.

Live on purpose.

Get it!

Aaron Stull

That’s an interesting system. I like that they are in front of you and in your visual field. This is the advantage of paper methods over electronic ones.


Great advice- thank you!

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