A Degree in Character

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

What colleges don’t teach is character.  

I think most people know good character from bad, but they need to know it is valued above results.

Talk about it with your team.  Bring the discussion forward.  Not in a self-righteous or reprimanding way, but in a sincere way.  And don’t pretend you are perfect.  

What does it mean to be trustworthy?  What does integrity mean?  Helpful?  Courteous?  Clean?  Kind?

When people feel that character is important and that others around them including the leader display it, they will feel safer and spend less time and energy with their guard up.

When will you talk about personal character to your team?  

What will you talk about?

Michelle Minix

This is a great reminder. I think a good character is reflected in good hygiene and dress code. One tends to think and act how one looks. In the corporate office, I observe that those dressed in business attire act differently than those dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans (Casual Friday). There’s nothing wrong with a flannel shirt and jeans – we all love to wear them. I guess, dressing for the profession that you represent means a lot. Tuck in that shirt, pull up those pants.

Kellie Young

Good morning right back from Maine! 😉

Michael Mitchell

Character counts!!!

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