We are not all the same.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I am a people watcher.  I find it fascinating.

I was on a flight recently (coming back from my Vegas to Reno race)  and a very large man sits next to me.  He turns on football on his phone with headphones then falls asleep.  Then wakes up to have two glasses of wine and eat snacks.  Then plays Candy Crush for a while.  Then more wine.  Then plays solitaire blackjack for a while.  Then more Candy Crush.  Then sleep again.

Meanwhile, I am plugging away with my reading and my journal.  I am not saying I am superior.  That’s not what this post is about. Just making this observation.

People are not equal.  They do not give the same effort or create the same outcomes.  

Any expectation or effort that people should be equal is bucking reality in a big way.  

Some people want to be healthy, want to win, and want to be productive and valuable and are willing to do the work with the self-discipline that it takes.  Some are not.  It’s cause and effect.

 Which are you?

Daniel Kniseley

Congrats on finishing the 400, Larry!
Tracked you on Score throughout the day 🙂

Mary Lawrence

Good Morning from Wisconsin!!!

Willis Ponds

Everyone has different strengths, weaknesses and ambitions. The variety works fine so long as everyone has realistic expectations about what they can accomplish given the above. Unfortunately there are people who believe that they and/or others should receive more than they truly deserve when they don’t actually put forth the effort. It has been my experience that people are rewarded approximately in proportion to how much they contribute in society. Everyone needs to understand that.

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