Task Switching is Expensive

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Let’s experiment.  First, say the alphabet from A to J.  Notice how long it took.

Now count from 1 to 10.  Notice how long that took.

Now switch back and forth – A-1, B-2, all the way to J.

How long did that take?

If you focus and finish one thing at a time, you will get more done faster than if you go back and forth doing part of this task and part of that task….

It also takes less mental energy and feels good.

There is no such thing as multi-taking – only task switching; and there is a heavy productivity price to pay to do it.

One thing at a time.


Willis Ponds

Such a great reminder and so true! How much productivity has the world lost due to the erroneous belief that we can multi-task? The only way we can multi-task effectively is if we are able to train our sub-conscience to do something repetitive that we can do in the background while doing something else productive in the foreground. Those are very few activities though! They would be pretty much limited to our daily habits such as get dressed, brush teeth, eat, shower, etc. For me it also includes driving, so long as there is little traffic around me and the traffic is behaving!

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