Dream it…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

For ten minutes, forget about what your business is now.  Think about what it would be if you could start over and make it just right.

Doodle.  What does that look like?  What are the numbers?  What do you have in this department and that department?  Your ideal facility? What would the numbers look like?  What would your organization deliver to get these results?  At what price?  Why would customers be happy?

Who is on the team?  Who is not?

Every business was created twice – once in the owner’s mind, and once in reality.

In that order.

Bob ligmanowski

Ha! I remember you saying at SOE
You have to do the work…. I was thinking “what the hell, I can’t work any harder!” ( i got kind of mad :)) now I get it! Thanks for this reminder Larry!

Mark Domogala

You wrote, Today I am grateful for visionary business leaders – because more than any other group – they move the world.
Business leaders are a very special group of people that move the world forward.

tom matthews

Excellent exercise. Look forward to doing this. And agree on the vital role of visionary business leaders – we need more of them!

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