"I will not let you fail here"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Some bosses are looking to see if their people doing something wrong.

Consequently, many employees are leery of the boss and don’t like that they are always being judged.

This is not a healthy boss/employee relationship and not one where you will get the best performance out of people and get them to stay a long long time.

Instead, leaders and managers would take the attitude that “I will not let you fail here.”

If the employee is struggling, talk to them.  Ask how you can help.  Ask if they have everything they need.  Set up the conditions for them to do well if you can.  Support them.

(Only if they give up, don’t want to be here, or are malicious do you give up on them.)

When the leader is on the employee’s side and not on the other side of the table, people will give and do their best.


Michael Mitchell

Great lesson. One of my mentors when I was first in a work related leadership role told me to share my vision, let everyone know what the desired outcome was and how they could contribute and then to “catch people doing something right”. That has served me well. I’m fortunate to have had many bosses that take the approach you have suggested.


Good morning ☀️


Howdy from Hartford

Brian DiRisi

And we are grateful for You! Thank you for Think Daily & Thank you for your positive leadership, Larry!

tom matthews

Excellent point.

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