How long does it take for you to determine if you like someone?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When you neet someone how long does it take for you to size them up?

Studies show it takes about 7 seconds for you to determine –

1) Education level

2) Economic Level

3) Perceived credibility, believability, competence and honesty.

4) Level of sophistication.

5) Trustworthiness

6) Level of Success

7) Social and professional desirability

8) and much more such as political and religious background.

Wow!  That’s a lot in 7 seconds!  Sure you could be wrong about some things.  And sure, we’ve all heard the saying “Never judge a book by its cover”.  But the cover is right more often than not so we keep doing it.  We have to make quick decisions about people – for time, for the safety of ourselves and our family, and to get what we want.

Don’t you size people up pretty quickly?

Jeff Russell

7 Seconds! Thats pretty fast. I judge every book by its cover, and I couple that with my trustworthy gut feeling. It’s literally saved my life and caused me to be a protector over most people in my circle. It’s saved me from making mistakes that I would have made and gotten me lifelong friends and employees that I am very grateful for.
Happy Valentines Day Brother!

tom matthews

True, but remain open to getting to know others. There are plenty of people in my circle that I’m glad I got past the first impression they made on me. (And they may say the same about me!)

Willis Ponds

Also to your point, people will size us up in their first seconds of meeting us. A good first impression goes a long ways towards a good relationship. Just make sure our actions support the good impression that we are giving. Otherwise we will be seen as a hypocrite which could be worse than making a bad first impression.


Agree with Tom’s thoughts above, and I always trust my gut regarding people.

Henry Palmieri

I think it’s half true.. I believe people in general will always look for inspiration in people they meet. And if (( you. )) can show them some, your initial impression might have a different outcome..

Ben Bates

Grateful for you Larry. Thank you!

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