Two people can live next door to each other and work at the same place, and live in very different worlds. How?
By what they choose to pay attention to.
One lets in the news and searches for validation of his views on the internet. Algorithms give him back what they think he already believes based on what he’s watched already, reflecting and reinforcing his worldview.
His neighbor pays attention to completely different things – things that build and lift and teach. He asks for it and that’s what he gets. He surrounds himself with it.
They walk on the same sidewalk and shop at the same supermarket – but live in two completely different worlds – each of their own choice and design.
What world have you chosen?
The great thing is you can change – if you can break what the world has done to you – the habits of thought and patterns of behavior.
The world you live in is a choice.
“You are what you are and you are where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.” – Zig Ziglar
I love this! 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
True! I stopped listening to the news back in the Great Recession. I had to create my own reality to succeed. Back then I created a Facebook account but have since deleted it because of the divisive content. Someone else manages our company socials. Much happier. A few podcasts and blogs like yours offer interesting and inspiring content. Thank you for your continued inspiration!
I am getting out to see my crew more and connecting with people who matter.
To become our best self we need to surround ourselves with people that we consider to be better than ourselves. They may very well think the same of us but in so doing both people will grow. The key is surround ourselves with REAL PEOPLE! Not imitation people as are portrayed on the internet, in movies, on TV and in social media. The more we come in contact with people the more we will see that most people are just like ourselves and we all really want the same nice things in life.
“You are not who you are, you are who you were meant to be!”