Update your beliefs

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We have all learned stuff (from our first teacher, or a teacher) and then, our immature and inexperienced selves made decisions about how things are, (perhaps prematurely).  Let’s call them beliefs.

Many people look for confirmation they are right and dismiss anything that shows their beliefs are wrong.

Good judges are good belief updaters. 

It’s called learning.


Daniel Kniseley

Interesting post, Larry. It seems that both teaching and learning, as well as preparing to teach, would all be part of the process of ‘updating beliefs’.
Something to ponder over time…

Vicki Fisher

Good morning from Basement Systems of Indiana!!
C H R I S T M A S!!!

Josh Bruce

Cognitive dissertance is theorized to be a societal group protection mechanism. Whenever my mind tells me that somebody is crazy, bad or stupid….. Time to open your ears. πŸ€”

Bob ligmanowski

All these years I thought.. β€œ I don’t have any beliefs β€œ I was wrong as were some of my beliefs !

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