I have a day scheduled in December – with myself.
That day I will review the past year and what I did and what worked and what didn’t – what I liked and didn’t.
I will review my business and how it’s going and how I feel about it and what it is doing to me – good or bad.
I will review what I want, and how I want the rest of my life to be.
I will plan the big things for next year and envision the next five years.
I will decide on changes in my life in the areas of health, family time and activities, and fun time with others, etc.
While it’s not the only time I think about these things, I will design my life the way I want it to be so it fills me with deep satisfaction and leaves little regret.
This is an important appointment.
I’ll be there – and I’ll be excited!
I like that thought process. I design my life that way as well.
Thank you as always Larry. I just scheduled my own Review and Planning Appt for Dec 20. I will use your message as a start to my agenda. Hope to meet you some day sir
I really liked this post. With your permission I would like to use this theme as a basis of my next column in the Middlebury Bee-Intellgencer.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts. It got me thinking, and I scheduled one for myself.
Do you have a written AGENDA for that day?