How do you treat the "little guy"?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

For some people, when they attain higher and higher levels of success, they start treating people badly.  They can be rude, bark at waiters, or start yelling at their people.  

You can tell a lot about more powerful people by the way they treat the less powerful.

You can also look at how they behave when nobody is watching.

Don’t be that guy who becomes a butthole that a lot of people don’t like just because you have a title or more money or you own stuff. 

Remember where you came from.  Have empathy.  You need all these people in your life, in and out of work.

If you chase them away, you are only hurting yourself.

Be nice to people on the way up, because if not, you will see them on the way down.

Brandon Carr

Most people are the “little guy” to me, due to my height. Thank you, Larry! I am grateful for you as well!


Karma is a bitch!

David Sheppard

Be careful whose toes you step on today, they might be attached to the hand you have to kiss tomorrow.

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