If there is NO gap between action (and information) and reaction, you will not act intelligently and you will be out of control.
When you get information or feedback, think, before you react.
5 minutes….30 minutes….4 hours….4 days….however long it takes to respond intelligently and create the best outcome.
Thanks, Larry! Great reminder that this gap is the difference between ‘reacting’ and ‘responding’ – and that that is a BIG difference!
Think about it this way, if the nurse says a loved one is ‘reacting to the medication’, you expect a whole different set of actions from the medical team than if the nurse says they’re ‘responding to the medication’.
The same goes for decision making – a whole different set of actions, and results / consequences / expectations, come from reacting vs responding…
We should always strive to use the gap created by intelligence and self- mastery (preparedness) to respond vs react. The delay pays off in the long run.
Thanks for another great, thought-provoking post, Larry!
How to respond instead of react: pause, process, plan, proceed.