Line up Your Dominos, and hit 'em!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

THis comes from Brian Johnson of Heroic – 

Are you familiar with the physics of dominoes?

It’s fascinating. And wonderfully applicable to the power of lining up a series of micro-goals to generate a ton of momentum in the process.

(Check out this awesome two and a half minute video by an equally awesome Physics professor!)

Here’s the short story: A domino can knock over another domino that is about 1 1/2 times larger than it. So, imagine setting up a chain of dominoes such that each one is 1 1/2 times larger than the prior one. Let’s say 13 dominoes. The first domino is only 5 millimeters high and one millimeter thick—so small that you need a pair of tweezers to put it in place. The last one is 3 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds.

Push the micro-domino over and BOOM!!! More and more power is amplified as each domino in the chain topples over. In fact, there’s 2 BILLION times more energy in the last sequence than in the first.

That’s what we want to do.

Get clear on your big goal.

Line up your micro-domino goals.

Start with the tiniest one.

Knock it over.


Amplify your latent potential power.

Jackie Grant

This is a great one too! Every day I am grateful for Tony Hafford, and you too Larry! Thank you for keeping us inspired and for sharing your knowledge and positive energy.

Boris Ermant

Larry, big thanks for sharing! It is really awesome! This will definitely affect my thinking 🙂

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