Workaholism – an addiction

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Workaholism is a trap.  Working a lot because you love to work, or once in a while you have to get a lot done in a short period of time is one thing.  But repeatedly putting in tons of hours because you fear things would fall apart without you doing that is a disease.

Even if it were true, it means you are not running the business right.  You haven’t learned how to be a leader.  You own a job instead of a business.

But workaholism is a respectable addiction, so few people call you on your sickness, seeing you as hard-working and diligent instead.

Are you an unhealthy workaholic?


Jeff Russell

I was a workaholic. It’s really about layers, as your business grows you should have managers that act as layers between you and the day to day business. Layers change the game!

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