Nature heals and restores you

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I love the woods.  I love being outside long enough without distraction to take in the natural rhythms and peace of the wild outdoors.  It clears my head and refreshes my soul.  

In some crowded places like Singapore they call a walk or sitting in a little patch of trees “Forest Therapy”.  So funny.  I guess I am fortunate to not live in a big city.

You don’t have to wait for a vacation.  When you are stressed out or feel like you had enough for now or need a break, go for a walk by yourself in the woods, or mountains, or field, or desert, or beach.  It works.

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” – Rachel Carson

Where do you like to go?


Good morning Larry, I to love the outdoors when life gets a little to crazy I he’d to a stream or river for what I call Stream therapy.
Heading out alone and thinking things through is a great reset for me.
I hope you go for a walk today ✌️

tom matthews

Totally agree. A walk among trees is restorative. I walked through the woods and along the Pequonnock River yesterday in Trumbull, CT. Beautiful waterfalls!

Kim Velez

Good Morning Larry!!! I very often restore my soul at the beach or in my gardens. Have a beautiful day!!!

Dustin Gebers

In the woods in Northern Minnesota. If I can’t get there I take my dirt bike out and ride around Land Between the Lakes in KY.

Sean Perry

5 years ago we bought a 30 acres in the Nantahala Mountains of Western North Carolina. Started building a trail in February to our small mountain bald with views of Clingman’s Dome and the Great Smoky Mountains. Tending to the land, developing my “camping shed” and working (as a form of fitness building) brings an incredible amount of satisfaction and connection. When in town where I live I take moments to appreciate the breeze, the sounds, the light to retain that connection in between my visits.

Lisa Pant

I love the beaches of the Caribbean. The feeling of sand under my feet has a calming effect on me.

David K. Bryan

For me the same is true but it is on the water. Issues and troubles wash away when I get to spend time on the water


Snowmobiling in the woods of northern NH, toes in the sand on the beach in Fairfield, or getting on the water in a motor boat or sail boat.

Willis Ponds

I go home to my wife and kids! They bring me immense joy!

Willis Ponds

P.S. We live in the middle of very peaceful country!

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