Change your narrative

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Your life as you remember it is a narrative you keep telling yourself.

At any time you can reinterpret what happened in a more positive way and start running a new narrative of your life – a new story that has less victim and more positivity that you can feel better about and build off of.

How can you reframe what happened, and start running a new story?

Tina Bacot

I have to comment on this one. This is an exemplary piece of advice! This simple excerpt equates to PERSONAL POWERR. It’s an eye-opener, an “aha” moment if you will…
I advise folks who complain about their current circumstances, “Where you are right now, right this very moment, is an accumulation of all the decisions YOU MADE yesterday! That’s not insulting. That’s empowering! If i don’t like where I am in my life from my past decisions, then logic says I can DECISION my way to a bettter tomorrow. This is where I quit blaming my family for my misfortunes. I realized I was not a victim, but a person with the POWER to change my life into what I desired it to be…
It worked! I was no longer the misfortunate kid without ti h parents to put me thru college. I decisioned my way into a person with 3 college degrees! One more & Im a doctor! I like knowing that I can affect my own outcome. That’s what this says to me.

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