A lot of present moments are ruined by the mental and emotional tyranny of the past or the future.
Just be present and experience this moment and do your best.
You got this.
“No longer forward nor behind I look in hope or fear; But, grateful, take the good I find, the best of now and here.” – John Greenleaf Whittier
Fantastic post!! Thanks, Larry!
Good one!
I really like this piece of advice. It’s a great reminder. I began practicing being present a year ago after hearing some advice like this. Whether we are watching a great movie, listening to a lecture, or typing an email, our minds wander back into the troubles & anxieties of yesterday. When we shut those doors temporarily to be fully present in the moment, it’s amazing the positive attitude that results, the attention to detail, the comprehension of that lecture on a higher level ever experienced before, and the shear enjoyment of our tasks & life’s that ensue.
Troubles, worries, & stressors lose their power over our “now,” our day, our week, & quickly dissipate to a level of just a quick task. Our minds are so powerful & we do not know to what extent. How will we ever know if they are bogged down with garbage instead of being freed into the moment to be thoughtful, attentive, creative, problem-solving, ever PRESENT a trait of being out BEST selves that allows for enjoyment & progress? This is one that takes a bit of practice & permission to ourselves that it’s perfectly ok to “be where our feet are.” My sister reminded me to be where my feet were multiple times during moments of high stress & anxiety. When I have into her advice, a calm came over me that allowed me the greatest perspective I had in along while. Excellent advice! Thank you for this reminder as I haven’t been looking down at my feet lately.