Your thoughts and beliefs run your show

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We create our own realities according to our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.

So spend time building, improving, and managing them.

Where do your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations come from?

What you learned and are learning, your environment, the people around you, and the story you tell yourself about what happened in the past.

These you have control over.  Once you get your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations aligned with what you want, you will become whatever you want to.

Daniel Kniseley

I was watching a documentary about the making of the movie ‘Colateral’ by the great film director Michael Mann. At the end, he made a statement that I reflect on often when I feel things are overtaking me; he said, “The things that befall us – the cause and effect – are a function of how we think about the life we live.”

I think there are two parts of that statement that are worth understanding the nuances of:
1) he said ‘how we think’ instead of ‘what we think’ – important distinction there in knowing ourselves; the former is a search for understanding and the latter can be an attempt at rationalization or lead to resignation, and
2) he said ‘the life we live’ instead of ‘our lives’ – the former seems to denote a more active / accountable / responsible role in living our life vice just accepting it like the latter.

Thanks as always, Larry. I’ve been using Michael’s statement to work on what your post speaks to for some time now, and your post just reinforces that need and effort.
Happy Independence Day!

Jim Burlison

Thank you Larry – 10X

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