Your Reticular Activating System

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Our eyes take in a tremendous amount of information.  We can see a lot, but we can’t notice it all.  We have a system in our brains called the Reticular Activating System.  It looks for things that you have been thinking about.  This is helpful if you are searching for something, should be concerned about something, or have been thinking about something.  It very much confirms what we have been thinking about the world.

There’s a story about an attorney examining a witness where the witness is telling all about what the attacker was wearing in great detail.  Then the attorney turns around with his back to the witness and asks “What color is my tie?”  The witness doesn’t know.  Think about the last person you talked to at work.  What color shirt were they wearing?  You don’t know.  You saw it but didn’t notice it.

But if you are thinking about buying a Tesla, you will see Teslas all over the place.

If you are thinking about how the world is unfair, you will see that the world is unfair all over the place.

If you are looking for opportunity, you will see it everywhere.

If you are thinking of reasons to be mad, you will find reasons to be mad.

If you are looking for reasons you can’t, you will find them.

If you are thinking of reasons you can, you will find them.

Watch what you are thinking about, because you are crafting your world and your future.



Taylor Benson

The most influential Think Daily yet. As I practice visualization everyday before sales meetings I find that new opportunities open up. Not demoed turns into “my neighbor needs a help with their crawlspace.” “I’ve had several others out already,” turns into “your the only one who has listened and actually proposed what I am looking for.” Now, I know the name, Reticular Activating System, I can continue to reinforce my
opportunity lens!

Michael Haydamous

So true! I like it 👍

Daniel Kniseley

Just another outstanding post, Larry. Absolutely phenomenal perspective and reminder – AGAIN!

Matt Miller

Thank you for this wealth of information. Very insightful and profound!

Nathan Malsch

So true!

Willis Ponds

A couple of my favorite quotes and related to this are, “You are what you think about most of the time”, and “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right”.

Cassandra Hessing

This post is so true – As my life shifts and changes with the death of my father I am constantly changing my record that is playing in my head.

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