Your best sales edge

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Salesmen – look in the mirror.  That is your single most powerful sales edge.

Your personal ability to understand and connect with other people – if you can do that better than your competition, you will win most of the time.

It’s “who you are being”….Your listening, your voice, your ability to connect with all other personality styles, your caring and your confidence.

Leaders – hire salespeople who have these skills.


Daniel Kniseley

Again, there’s a big difference in being able to speak to something vice just talk about it… It usually comes from confidence, enthusiasm, passion, understanding, and the ability to articulate nuanced aspects of the topic gained by experience in the field of endeavor or discussion.

It’s been said that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care, but I also believe that they don’t care how much you know until they believe that you actually know it and aren’t just making it up. That often comes from how much you can help them learn without making them feel like you’re teaching them – no one wants to feel like they’re someone’s ‘project’.

When you’re articulate on a topic due to knowledge, confidence, and understanding gained from proper research and/or personal experience, people tend to want hear what you have to say.

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