Until and unless you take responsibility for everything that has happened in your life, you will not move forward and achieve your full potential.
Why? You are blaming others and saying it is their fault. You are giving control away, and with it your power.
Fault is past tense. There is nothing you can do.
Responsibility is present tense – you can change things.
Fault is based on past decisions.
Responsibility is based on present decisions.
Take responsibility, and take your power back.
Practicing for Monday…!
i’m practicing for Monday
Excellent message on taking responsibility.
(Note to self: Don’t forget to comment Monday.)
This is brilliant. I have a sister who is 80 and still complaining about what happened to her in 1957, 1961, 1972, you name it, all what was “done to her” as if she had no role. Blaming and finding fault can consume you with no possible upside outcome.