Don't believe all you have been taught.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Learning all the time is central to moving forward.  But don’t believe all you have been taught.

You have been educated in failure and limitations.

Your teachers taught you what they believed.   They taught you what you can not do while teaching you what you can.

So many around you have limiting beliefs and model them in their speech and actions.

If you are trying to be extraordinary and have high goals, you must filter the right signals, voices, and lessons from the wrong ones all the time.


Steve Borod

Love the positivity. We should filter all information received and take nothing at face value.

Sean Perry

Today I am grateful for your commitment to publish your insights, year after year, for the greater good. Thank you! -SP Asheville, NC

Steven Tetreault

Hi from The Drying Company in Toano, VA!

Jeff Russell

Hello from Indianapolis, Indiana. I appreciate that you brought up how we were taught things. I believe that when you’re being taught anything, it’s really a matter of opinion from the “teacher”. Experience and honing your craft is the best teacher!

Willis Ponds

Larry this is such a good point and I wish more people would believe it. Just because someone else says you can’t do something doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. We all have different talents and if we believe we can do it then we should at least give it a try! I have on many occasions done what someone told me I couldn’t and it was because I had the confidence and/or the abilities that they lacked.

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