Confidence plays a critical role in your success.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Your level of confidence goes up and down depending on specific situations.  For example, if I am doing sales training, reading financials, or talking about psychrometrics, I am confident.  If I get into a conversation about databases or social media, I am less confident.  If I am riding a dirt bike I am confident.  If I am on ice skates, I am far less confident.

However confident people have an underlying belief in themselves that transcends situational issues.

This self-confidence empowers them to be adaptable to the unpredictable environment around them.  They have a belief that no matter what happens, they will find a way to succeed.

Even if you are not confident, you have the power to be confident.  It is under your control.

When you are in a slump, it dings your confidence.  But you need confidence to come out of it.

Confidence is important to your success.  It is a complicated emotion involving many internal and external factors – but you can learn to be confident, and turn it on when you are not feeling it.

Tiffany Queener

Let me know if you need some ice skating lessons! I used to teach that before I moved to Nashville!


Great advice. And beware of gaslighters. They undermine your confidence. They don’t compliment you when you have a $20k week, but will be quick to call you out when you make a $20 mistake.

tom matthews

Confidence is everything.

Pat Alber

Hello Larry from the Garden State!

Ken Adams

Hi back!

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