Are you clear?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You are the leader.  Are you clear about why your organization is even here?

Are you clear about what result you are trying to get with whom?  With your team?

Are you clear about your problems?

Are you clear about your goals and strategies?

You are the thinker-in-chief.  You better be clear.  Because nobody on your team can be more clear than you are.

“It is a fault to wish to be understood before we have made ourselves clear to ourselves.” – Simone Weil

Ed Krieger

Good morning right back my dear friend Larry and all of Contractor Nation!
The only thing missing from your great book “The Highest Calling” was a mirror….so we can always remember that it is truly US we are working on.
Thank you for the shout out today!

Willis Ponds

It has been said that the success of a brick-and-mortar business depends on three things: location, location and location. I believe that the success of every business depends on three things as well: communication, communication and communication.

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